Why should you get a Final Expense policy?
It’s absolutely necessary to make sure you plan for your final expenses. The cost of a funeral and burial is nearing $13,000 and unless you have a life insurance policy to cover it, your family will be on the hook for the bill. Give them, and yourself, peace of mind with a final expense life insurance policy.
What does it cover?
It just depends on the size of your policy but the idea in mind is to pay for all of your final expenses. You no longer have to worry about your loved ones paying for your casket, cremation, embalming, funeral, and etc.
That means you also don’t have to worry about your family struggling to find the money, fighting over who will foot the bill, or any of that. They’ll be focused on helping each other emotionally.
But did you know a final expense plan can also help take care of household bills, medical bills, home loans, and even credit card bills?
Whatever debt you have left over can be paid for by a final expense policy.